Thursday, February 5, 2009

Natural cleaning

Last week when I cleaned I noticed that I have, bit by bit, reduced the number of cleaning products I'm using. I don't think I set out to do this - maybe I'm getting lazy and don't want to cart that caddy around the house with me. In any case, here's how it looked last week.

I started in the kitchen. I keep rags to clean with (you can buy a dozen or so, packaged up like washcloths at Target for about $5), and I pulled out 2. I got one wet (just water) and wiped everything down, followed by the dry cloth. That worked fine. ''[Please note that in case the Department of Health and Human Services finds this post, I do keep rinsing the cloth!]'' Next I took the cloths to the living room and family room. I wiped down the glass surfaces with the wet cloth, once again followed by the dry cloth, and used the now slightly damp dry cloth for all of the wood. So no more Pledge or windex-type products. I did use some of Denny Voss'
Naturally Clean floor cleaner on the floors because I really like it, but I do use just water on occasion.

Upstairs in the bathrooms I am using a concoction developed by Tom while I was down and out with a bad back (leave it to him to develop a new cleaner for me!). I mix white vinegar with a drop or two of dish soap and a little water (no exact measurements needed) and found this worked quite well for all of my surfaces, and in particular my shower doors and mirror. When I'm done cleaning I dump the remainder on the floor of my shower and wipe it down.

Now, I still use a toilet bowl cleaner (Naturally Clean again), and the one toxic cleaner I still feel the need to hang on to is Soft Scrub (for sinks). But compared with the number of products I used to use, I'm way down.

Have I scared you away from my house? I hope not! But give some thought to the products you're using, and experiment a little. You may find you need less than you think.

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