Friday, January 30, 2009

Disposing of medicines

Yesterday I gathered up all of my unused medicines for disposal. I found all kinds of stuff, including children's medicines, and considering the fact that my youngest just turned 20, I guess it's time for them to go. I got everything into boxes - you can see our cat Calvin inspecting them (on the counter.....yes....I know....). In my research, it was recommended that I call my local pharmacy first to see if they participate in a take-back program. My CVS here in Troy does not, but they recommended that I call SOCCRA, my local recycling center. So I have made an appointment to take them in.

Before I take them in, however, I am going to do a couple of things. First, there are some perfectly good medications (like vitamins) that I simply don't want, and I'm going to see if anyone wants them. Second, for things that are no longer useful to anyone, I have read that I have to do the following: For solid meds, add a bit of water to the container to discourage people from looking through the trash and taking them; for liquids, add salt or spices; cover blister packs with heavy tape; in fact, cover all packages with tape and wrap them in plastic bags. Then throw it into the trash. In case you haven't heard: Do not put anything into the toilet or sink - it all goes to our water system and our system is not equipped to filter out these toxins.

This seems like a pretty imperfect answer, so we are working on ideas for reducing the medications that need to be thrown away or somehow recycling. Reducing could include simple things like finishing your meds as you doctor prescribes or buying the minimal amount, and purchasing more as needed. Recycling programs are beginning to pop up also -- read more about this on our medicines page.


MollyB said...

What is SOCRA going to do with them?

Peggy Brennan said...

I'm going to place a call to them on Monday and see....that's the $64,000 question, isn't it? I'll let you know...