Monday, November 5, 2007

A Visit

Last week the Brennans and Bradleys headed up north to enjoy the beautiful autumn weather and to visit with Mike and Kate Winnell. Mike and Kate live up in the Petoskey area in a home tucked into the woods and surrounded by sunshine and wildlife. We wanted to visit them because Mike has been doing important work classifying aquatic invertebrates for the past 34 years, and we wanted to learn more about what this process has been like. We learned that Mike receives samples gathered by state governments and private organizations, and his responsibility is to take the sample, examine every part of it, and classify all of the species he finds. What great work! Mike's findings are used in studies all across the country - he is considered a nationwide expert.

Best of all, he and Kate are just wonderful people who were kind enough to share an afternoon with some intrepid travelers. After seeing Mike's work space, we were invited to meditate with them in their meditation room, and then had coffee and cake.

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